Hello and Welcome to the Diabetes Diet!

Hello and welcome to the Diabetes Diet blog…

Thanks for visiting and we hope you find something useful on this site. We are two Scottish ladies who are very interested in diabetes – on a personal and professional level.

I make a point of always wearing fascinators...
I make a point of always wearing fascinators……

I am Emma Baird, a type 1 diabetic (diagnosed 32 years ago) and a writer with a keen interest in health…






katharine… And I am Dr Katharine Morrison, a senior practising GP and a senior partner in a medical practice. My son was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes 10 years ago, and since then I have worked extensively with diabetics (both type 1 and type 2) to help them achieve good blood sugar control – a vital component in good health and longevity.

We wrote a book about diabetes and good blood sugar control and we set up this website to complement the book.  We’re going to update with it lots of topical articles, recipes and guest posts from others interested in diabetes.

And if you have experience in diabetes, low-carb dieting and recipes, and exercising with diabetes, we would love to hear from you. Use the comments sections to keep in touch, or email us at: lowcarbdiabetesdiet@gmail.com

8 thoughts on “Hello and Welcome to the Diabetes Diet!”

  1. I think it is great what you two ladies are doing and I wanted to give a shout out to you because my mother-in-law is from Scotland and moved to the US over 30 years ago. So Hi to you both and hope you have great success with your website and book. 🙂


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